The twitter team at Barnes and Noble Teen posted a question the other day on Twitter asking for help Pottering a book
Because half our brains are Harry Potter fact storage, today we’re playing #PotterABook! We’ll start: A Wind in the Dumbledore
— B&N Teen Blog (@BNTeens) March 2, 2017
here are five of my favorites…
A handy guide for those expecting…
What to expect when you’re expecto patronum #PotterABook
— Tyler Davis (@WmTylerDavis) March 2, 2017
I wonder what Lemony would have to say about this one
A Sirius of Unfortunate Events #PotterABook
— Allison Rose (@alliethehamster) March 2, 2017
This one is more of a movie script…
#PotterABook Snape’s on a Plane
— Robs (@sanvillr) March 2, 2017
This is in honor of the Good Doctor Seuss
Horton Hears a You-Know-Who #potterabook
— Todd R (@toddr26) March 3, 2017
Curious Fred and George #PotterABook
— Kat Danger (@KatDanger1) March 3, 2017
What’s your favorite #PotteraBook?